Closed Bug 971031 Opened 10 years ago Closed 7 years ago

UX for Advanced Search


(Webmaker Graveyard ::, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: cassie, Assigned: cassie)



(2 files)

Attached image 06-advanced-search.jpg
I began some UX during the work week for an advanced search functionality. Some of the frontend for this may be build out in /events in bugs 969579 (location based filter) and bug 971028 (other filters).

The attachment is a first UX pass. Should add language and location, and incorporate the existing "search by... tag, etc" functionality.
We did an informal survey on the #teachtheweb community call today to understand how people currently and want to search. I need to go through the results, but in the meantime wanted to share them. Source is here:

What kinds of things do you regularly "search" for on People, Content, Events?

    Often i aid folks i searching for specific templates:

    At Hackothons: looking for templates for presenting pitches/apps/ideas

    With Hive members: Curated Media templates (like slideshows, picture galleries)

    Teacher/mentor trainings: basic webpages

    Content types - ie, invitation


    Sometimes I search using the event hashtag or by the type of content I am looking for

    Very often looking for the orignal make's over the remixes "remix overload" tends to make this hard. +1

    People (because I want to find a certain make they made, and that's the best way I can do it currently)

    "starter makes" / template makes

    I'd like search results also based on the number of likes a make has.

When you search, are you generally focused on finding material / "makes", or would you rather see results from the site content as well (such as About, Get Involved, etc.)?

    Focused on makes 

    focused on makes - but of different kinds - ie, starter "template" makes versus teaching kits as opposed to people's creations coming from remixed starter makes.+1!

    sometimes looking for makes that contain certain things (not always covered in the tags/description :()

    Julia Hive NYC: I generally search for templates and people. I never search for content because I know where to find it, but I do think it should be searchable especially for noobs.

If you were searching for an event (either a specific one or to find one you'd like to attend), how would you do that from

    Alerts for events in my area -- don't always have time to check for events coming up +1

    Go to the events section and have an easy to read view of events in my area 

    would love to have the option to see events *past* as well as current/upcoming. ability to search and view past events is really important! they are lost on current site. 

If you had an "advanced search" - what would you want / expect to see there?

    Get a list of Web Literacy Tags and be able to tick boxes to search for ones that met the criteria (a bit like when you search Flickr for different kind of CC licensed photos)+++

    kits/tutorials vs. makes+

    Option to show original version of resource (and not remixed/forked versions)

    Search by most remixed+1

    popular, date uploaded, tags, keywords, difficulty, likes

    makes that came from particular events

    search by web literacies and by topic/genre

In the future, we would like to have ONE search that returns results from the Make API, Events, People and site content all in one place. Like this: Thoughts?

Bug here:

    Ohhh, cool. I like the multi search view

    missing: language good point! related badges (doesn't exist yet, but soon!)

    cool. makes me think of tumblr's new search a lil bit (whch is great)

    yes, one search is great if it can find results from everywhere, if not, I think having seperate searches for resources, templates and content would be fine.
This feedback is the same as the text I pasted into the bug already, but with user colors if it's important to track who posted what across questions
The site is no longer developed.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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